How Far Do Squirrels Travel? [Find Out]

When you have friendly squirrels in your backyard you used to feed; their absence would probably make you worried. At such a time, you should have wondered how far do squirrels travel. We are going to discuss the fact in this article.

Squirrels are a fountain of energy, and they are as quick as a flash. If you are a cartoon lover, you should have met the world-famous squirrel, Scrat, with its acorns. As the same, the love between nuts and squirrels is a match made in heaven. If you are a wide explorer, you surely have observed ground squirrels with a mouth full of acorns or hazelnuts from the bowls you kept for them. Squirrels present a lifetime of 5 to 10 years, and relocation can make them fail to survive. They sometimes will be annoying as they relocate the seeds you planted in your garden due to their born addiction to nuts. 

How Far Do Squirrels Travel?

There are many species, like eastern grey squirrel, red squirrel, northern flying squirrel, ground squirrel and red squirrel. Squirrels are tiny rodents that are intended to live in one place. But if there is a threat from a predator or a competitor or if their food source is no longer available, they tend to relocate and find a new dwell. Squirrels identify their relatives with their sharp-smelling sense. A male can smell a female even up to a distance of one mile. Squirrels are observed reusing nests, but when a natural disaster destroys their nests, they start building new nests.

How far do squirrels travel? If your garden has these tiny explorers, you may have seen their ability to run in upright lines up and down the trees. The posterior legs of squirrels are double-jointed, thus giving them the ability to run at a 90° angle. Squirrels have feet that can be rotated 180 °, and they are with a maximum speed of 20 mph. They are also born with padded feet, which does them no harm even if they jump down from 20 feet. With these abilities, they usually travel around 2 miles and can return to their original dwellings. 

According to the recordings, the average daily travel of a squirrel is around 160 feet. 

It is observed that only a few returns when the squirrels are 5-7 miles away from their habitats. They do not return when they have moved over 10 miles from their first nests, but during the studies, it was observed that some could manage to come back even if they travelled 10-12 miles. 

Basically, the squirrels travel to find better habitats, food resources, water, or a partner. But all their exploring and travels are limited to daytime as they sleep in their dwells at night. It has been recorded that squirrels travel in scurries to find new places when there is a natural disaster like drought or lack of food.


How Far Do You Need to Go to Release a Squirrel?

If you are annoyed by squirrels and need to remove them, you should release them at least 12 miles far from their home. But this process must be done by following the correct procedure. 

But it has been studied that nearly 97% of squirrels who were introduced to a new habitat did not survive. Or else they have disappeared without any sign. 

What smell do squirrels hate the most?

If you want to keep squirrels away from plucking your flowers and crops, you can use garlic, garlic powder, and pepper powder as a natural repellent. When applying, mix pepper or garlic powder with water and spray on the plants. Fake owl structure will also provide a fruitful way for squirrels to recognise owls as their predators and leave the area. 

How to Catch and Release a Squirrel?

  • First, you need to check the law prevailing in your area on catching squirrels. If it is prohibited, you should avoid trapping and try using a natural repellent. If you need to follow legal actions like getting a license before, then complete that first. 
  • When you catch the squirrel, provide enough food and water. 
  • Select a permitted land at least 10 or 12 miles from your home.
  • Wear gloves in the process. Squirrels have a possibility of carrying rabies. 
  • As we explained above, releasing to a new environment will often make them die by being caught by predators or without food and water. Therefore, it would be better if you could find an appropriate dwelling with enough fruit and nut trees around. You also need to ensure that there is a water resource nearby and the area is not a habitat for their predators. 
  • Leave them some food and water when released to survive until they adapt to find food in the new area.
  • Bring back the trap with you. Please don’t keep it there as they could get trapped inside accidentally.
  • Try to release them in groups, and please avoid releasing babies like this until they grow enough to find their own food.  

Do Squirrels Fight for Territory? 

Squirrels chase after outsider squirrels who try to find food within the limits of their nests. Male squirrels especially show this kind of territorial defending. There should be an invader nearby when you observe a shouting squirrel running up and down a tree. Flying squirrels and American red squirrels are the species that strictly maintain territories. 

Do Squirrels Pee to Mark Territory?

Spreading their unique scent is the trick squirrels use to mark their belonging territories. This is done by urine or by the scent glands near their mouth. Releasing scent is also a mechanism they use to find the route back to their usual homes when they are exploring a new area. They also tend to strip tree bark to warn the invaders. 


If you are curious about how far do squirrels travel, do read through this article. You will find the answer also with some interesting facts about their behaviour patterns. 

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